02 June 2005

Dan Moves On

waybread was designed, almost two years ago, as a sort of intellectual clearinghouse for ideas, quotes, thoughts, and profound stuff: bread for the college journey. it also served as a foray into the heady world of literary people i admired and felt isolated from. i leave to posterity to determine how well it served its purpose--in my mind, it has failed in a spectacularly beautiful fashion, devolving from lofty intent to mundane chatter with occasional breaks for soliloquy. posting has become second-nature and irreducibly a part of my literary growth, and i now cheerfully accept the inevitably self-centered cast of regular, non-profound blogging.

at any rate, that journey is done and this journey has begun. life is less complicated...and more. i think for the first time in twenty-two years, i haven't the foggist idea of what comes next. i'm standing on the brink of careers in emergency medicine/firefighting, wilderness adventure education, international politics/relations/development, and further education, and i don't know which path to take.

so i sit here in the blissful Houghton summer, living cheaply and thinking deeply, at the bus stop of new adventures, and a new journey begins.

the story of that journey will be told in full in another life. but for enigmatic glimpses, brief pictures, anecdotes and confused minute-by-minute analysis and commentary, i have founded a new blog site:

