30 June 2007

Download Four of My Brightest Diamonds

<a href="http://www.daytrotter.com/article/517/free-songs-my-brightest-diamond">here</a>

trippty My Brightest Diamond video

there's an awesome moment parsed throughout of some very poetic ballet on the beach...wait for sort of a stunning moment of silence about a third of the way in

for more, see Asthmatic Kitty records (Sufjan Stevens' label) or mybrightestdiamond.com

music for your morning

Yankee Bayonet by The Decemberists w/Shara Worden of My Brightest Diamond.

When we saw this in concert, the introduction went along the lines of...

"This is a song song by a rebel soldier to his wife. He was stabbed by a yankee bayonet and is now a ghost, of course, because if he had survived and made his way home to his wife it would have a happy ending and thus not be a Decemberist song."

25 June 2007

Always, always, always, always, always make sure you're on the correct side of the road


here's a heart-restarted.  for another sobering thought, next time you see what seems like an overly harsh, brusque, demanding, unmerciful or physical police officer, <a href=" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3TDhgdwUeQ">this is why they can't be nice</a>.  Not for young eyes and ears. 

02 June 2007

Random Thought Day

1. Ben Folds is the man.

2. The Aviator is a bad movie to miss the first half hour of.

3. I wish I had a shotgun.

4. Just when you think you have one reliable, fun, open, and honest relationship in your life, your motorcycle goes and voids an entire tank of gas all over the porch for no apparent reason and [Newsies moment] "we're off/to the workbench again!"

5. Except I have no workbench. And no screwdrivers. And no can opener or spatula...I do really miss my housemates.

7. It's a beautiful day.

8. I'm watching "Brick" tonight.